Friday, May 30, 2008

Question #6

There are three types of plate boundaries. The plates that move together are called converging, the plates that pull from each other are called diverging, and the plates that shift with each other are called transforming. The Atlantic ocean is growing larger becasue of the spreading of the african plate and the southern american plate The reason volcanoes and mountains are formed is because of converging plates caming together and pushing up. Subuctive zones is when the destroyed crust dives under another plate, into the ground and becomes the interior of the Earth.


There are also three major types of volcanoes called sheild volcanoes, strato volcanoes, and cinder cones. Stratovolcanoes are unique for their tall pointy look to them. Sheild volcanoes on the other hand are large with slopeing sides. Cinder cones are like steep hills and they are usually very active over hot spots. The ring of fire is an area that stretches over a huge area. ON the ring of fire there is active earthquakes and volcanoes along it.

In the future, I think that scientist will use this information to calculate where the next volcanoe eruption will take place. They will beable to read the ring of fire and see the different plate movement history to tell what area will be more active. They could study the ring of fire to see which plate movement is being performed and run tests off of that information.
May 26, 2008 GNU free document license

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